Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Finally after so long, I've decided to start blogging again.

And this time, in a new blog url cause somehow I feel like starting a new blog url.
Maybe in a few years time (or even a few months/days), I'll change back to www.dancinginprogress.blogspot.com but for now, I'll just use this.

Life ain't so perfect.

The reason as to why I haven't updated for so long is that I wanted to take a break from the outside world.
Sounds cliche yes? But it's true.

People are going so fast these days, just keep moving forward and forward, never stopping to take a break and enjoy the journey.

All that matters is the final destination. I've been going non-stop and when I've finally taken this long break, I start to realise the things I've missed out, the things I fail to take into account and treasure.

I wonder why these people don't get tired, why don't they want to take a break?
What most people think is that you push yourself now, and relax in your later years.
But think about it, you only turn 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, etc. ONCE.
That's all. No more going back.

The things you've missed out in these years, you can never return in time to do it again. You can never be exactly the same you at the same place to do it again (unless somehow technology improves so much that we not only can go back in time, but maybe travel to parallel universes).

All you can go is straight. No left, no right, no u-turns.

So why the rush? People say, earn money now so that next time, they can enjoy life.
It's true, but does money really makes someone happy?
For me, yes it does in terms of materialistic value.
And yes, sometimes going out on dates with the boy costs a bomb and it creates a special memory.

BUT, at the very same time, to just laze around at home with the boy doing nothing for the whole day, is as good as going out on a date. I still feel happy. Nothing has been compromised.

And this is what I've came to realise:

"Nothing in the world can ever make you happy except yourself. Because no one else can make you think what you think or do what you do.

Know what you want in life, enjoy the journey to the fullest and live without regrets. "

P.S. I know it's default template but I'll change it when I have the time to.

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